Traffic Lights

The other night I was driving down a road in Spanish Fork, Utah, and for some reason every traffic light I came across was red. Or should I say it was red right up until the moment I came to a stop in front of it and then it turned green. It stayed red just long enough for me to have to lose my momentum before it turned green again. This happened over and over and it made me think of something. Around 5 or 6 B.C. there were some people who had turned from righteousness and had begun to set their hearts on their riches and their accomplishments. They had forgotten God and fallen into sin of every kind. The scriptures say they "[sought] for happiness in doing iniquity" (Hel 13 chapter heading). While they were caught up in this self-destructive behavior, a missionary named Samuel climbed up on their city wall and preached to them. He called them to repentance and some believed and repented. They changed their ways. Others tried to kill him. Samuel prophesied Christ's...