Faith Crisis - not what it seems

A lot of life can happen in 10 years. When I started this blog, I was a newly hired teacher at the Provo Missionary Training Center, single and dating, trying to figure out what my major should be at Brigham Young University. That now feels to me like another life. After that period of many major life decisions and learning about myself, I’m now married to an amazing wife, with our 4th child due this month. We’re on our 3rd career-level job, 2nd house, I’ve served in the Primary, the Elders Quorum, the Bishopric, the Young Men… you get it: a lot has changed, and in many ways life has settled into a rhythm - a stark contrast to the uncertainty and ever-changing environment of young single adulthood. Now, almost a full decade after beginning this blog, I am coming out of the other side of what I have started calling a "faith maturing" (vs a faith crisis), and I can’t shake the feeling that I should write it down and share it. Maybe you're reading this because you’re expe...